MUMBAI: Google has set the placement season at top non-IIT engineering colleges off to a rocking start, offering $2,35,000 (Rs 1.44 crore) to BITS-Pilani students who make the cut for international vacancies, according to campus sources involved in the process. Microsoft is offering Rs 79.51 lakh for jobs at its Redmond headquarters.
Last year, Google and Microsoft had offered top salaries of Rs 68.34 lakh and Rs 60 lakh, respectively. Reflecting upbeat business sentiment, aggressive recruiters including Amazon, eBay, Flipkart, Schlumbergerand lesser-known startups such as CodeNation have hiked pay packets by up to 25 per cent compared with the previous year, mostly for domestic jobs.
They are also stepping up hiring in a big way. "There has been more than 40 per cent growth in the number of recruiters this year and the Goa campus has seen a 100 per cent increase," said G Balasubramanian, chief placement officer at BITS-Pilani University.
The college has 4 campuses across Pilani, Goa, Hyderabad and Dubai. "Salary packages have gone up by an average of 20 per cent at several companies," said Samuel Rajkumar, deputy director (placements), VIT University.
Placements at the non-IIT campuses are a precursor to campus hiring at IITs, which kick off in December. Early indications at these institutes suggest that happy days are here again for the job market.
Epic Systems with a $1,08,300 (Rs 66.4 lakh) offer and Schlumberger with $1,05,000 (Rs 64.4 lakh) are the other top paymasters soon to arrive on campus during the placement season. According to campus sources, Goldman Sachs paid Rs 13 lakh this year for roles in the technological division compared with Rs 11 lakh last year.
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