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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Game of Thrones creator says critics should be more worried about violence than sex

George R R Martin says he is "astonished" at critics preoccupation with nudity but not brutal violence in hit TV series and books

Author George R.R. Martin praised British attitudes to television censorship
Author George R.R. Martin praised British attitudes to television censorship Photo: Nathan Denette/AP
Game of Thrones creator George R R Martin has said he is "astonished" at criticism of sex and nudity in the TV series but not of the brutal violence it portrays.
Martin, who wrote the bestselling A Song of Fire and Ice which was later adapted into the television series, said people were very concerned about basic sex scenes but did not mind "an axe entering a human skull".
Saying he was "astonished" at the attention paid to nudity and seduction over the grotesque murders, he added: "People seem to accept the violence much easier than they accept the sex."
Speaking at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, the author also praised British attitudes towards television censorship, arguing they were much "saner" than those in the United States.
Game of Thrones, the television adaptation of his fantasy novels, has previously been criticised for its numerous sex scenes, with accusations of misogyny.
When asked why the television show had more sex in it than the original books, Martin has argued for a "healthy medium" about intimacy on television.
Speaking of the response to his books, he said: "I'm always astonished that there's always so much more controversy about the sex than about the violence.
"I think that says something about us that isn't necessarily a good thing to say.
"I can write a scene and describe in detail a penis entering a vagina, and there will be a portion of the audience who get very upset about that. But I can write a scene about an axe entering a human skull and nobody will complain about that.
"Generally speaking I'm much more in favour of penises entering vaginas than of axes entering heads.
"People seem to accept the violence much easier than they accept the sex."
He added: "I'm not really sure that there is more sex in the TV series.
"There is a big difference in seeing something and reading about it.
"I can write a line in the book, like when they are scenes based in a brothel, that when they dramatise that on the screen and you can see it it has a lot more impact and people think it's a lot sexier.
"I don't think there's that much more sex. But until someone actually does a count of the sex scenes, which I haven't done, I guess I could be wrong."
Describing American television as being divided between broadcast channels, which cater for a family audience, and commercial channels able to screen more explicit material, he said: "Generally I'm in favour of sex.
"I think a large portion of the audience is too.
"It's kind of odd in American TV, you guys have a very different tradition over here [in the UK].
"I remember when I, Claudius was televised in the United States in the 1970s it was heavily censored. American television didn't do that kind of stuff whereas you did show that kind of stuff and didn't really think twice about it.
"I think yours is probably a saner attitude.
"What we have in America is that you can't have any sex at all on the broadcast channels so you have a lot of sex on the non-broadcast channels. It's like breasts are either forbidden or compulsory.
"It would be better if the was some sort of more healthy medium in between."
Martin told an audience he was now in the process of finishing the series of novels, as the television adaptation caught up rapidly.
"Whether I'm concerned about that or not, all if can do is write one word at a time, one sentence at a time, one book at a time," he said.
"I'm writing the books as quickly as I can write the books. It's almost out of my hands in that sense.
"I just have to worry about telling the stories as best I can."


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